Tuesday, October 8, 2013



17 days so far in Rome.
Each day I head out of the Rome ‘studio’, I am hit head-on with more and more beauty.
 I did set out from Seattle in mid-August with intention of being an artist and 
discovering what that means? Huge.

I feel, one aspect of me being ‘artist’ is to draw each and everyday 
and take your sketchbook with you all the time; absorb, perceive and practice.

I meet my subjects ‘head on’ and, at times, I tell myself 
as I am working through the view, 
‘I have met my match.’ (left brain thinking?) 
However, I keep going.  Going.
And going and….

I compare the works I do as a practiced musician, 
perhaps an an intermediate student; 
no, each day is a new start, so much more to learn and see. 

Turn the page of the sketchbook and start another and begin.

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