Friday, August 23, 2013

as Goldilocks says: 'just right'.

Whew: Well in Civita!
What a whirlwind.
Adjustment and patterns ever changing!
My drawing is my refuge, my zone.
An Italian called me a 'buona turista' yesterday as I was drawing instead
of the other usual actions of tourists. My drawing stool is invaluable and
my pencil.

I am also adjusting to waking up and not having something scheduled. Today
is not a shopping day so I am having coffee and looking out my 'room with
a view' window, gentle breeze and not hot. I can see today may be the last
real hot day but I am scheduling a date with the 'Willa' muse today during
the heat of the day.

Shopping is huge here as I had been told many times. Dave, the other
fellow is seasoned and fluent in Italian and was a great tour guide
about confidence. Lo Studio is comfortable and as Goldilocks says: 'just
Wednesday on our 3 hour shopping hike. Boot camp works here too. You can only buy what you can carry; I did purchase a new shopping cart in town which will be so helpful to future fellows visiting. I was hoping for Italian red but instead baby blue. I had a productive day Wednesday as I begin this drawing proposal, solving the evocative and the depictive processes of drawing. 'Jury is still out.' It is an 'everywhere you turn' place and I want to capture it all. To my architect friends: Ed Bacon, Kevin Lynch and Gordon Cullen must have been writing about this place! There are some wonderful restaurants in town and a nice cafes too. Folks are kind and look at me strangely when I speak Italian. Yikes...I think it is all right'. Yes, I miss home but this is so good for me; doing it myself, mostly.(thank you, Dave). But not sure what the day may bring is a wonderful thing. I look out into the valley beyond and I have never seen anything like it; well back in '85 I did and I fell in love then too. So, keep looking for posts; I'll be there and Willa too. Write back soon. Connection is everything here and far. Church bells ringing; time to sketch.

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