Sunday, December 29, 2013

refuge, looking back

Many a day was spent in this quiet place of solitude; 
given the gift of living in Civita and to study drawing!

This window to the world was really quite magical. I watched clouds wisp in in the middle of the night, 
summer rains approaching, bees visiting, cool breezes comforting, 
warm light, 
the valley below and 
much conversation, mostly Italian.

Whether drinking coffee or sipping wine, 
this place was a comfortable refuge to conclude the days work and plan for the next, 
turning pages in my sketchbook and reflecting in writing what I set out to do while in Civita and 
what it all will mean as I journey back to life in Seattle. 

This was my sacred space.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

slowing down

This time of year everyone is mostly in a 'hurry up' mode.

My Italian 'adventure' days are vivid, warm and one's of slowing down and thoughtful afternoons.

Take time for yourself and those you love.
I highly recommend a craft to partake, a tune to sing, a drawing to create?

May your holidays be full of those you love and your new year of 2014 be full of adventure.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

watercolor ingredients

shopping list.

20% color
50% value
5% composition
25% wetness/edges

Monday, November 4, 2013

look out studenti!

drawing class tomorrow night, starting.
I have a few things to share...
look out studenti!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013


Working drawings.

14 days since I returned form Italy and it has certainly given me time to re-adjust and re-enter and re-spond.

Now, the task of scanning my drawings, 
categorizing and making sense, are my next steps.

I decided to scan this drawing first; a study in perspective and figure/ground. 
A beautiful and classic site in Civita; one of those you call one’s own until you see the postcards of the same view. 
Yes, it had been discovered by others.
But there are great lessons within this view.

My work in Civita was about ‘working drawings’. 
I see page after page, intent and intensity in each line and a
 discovery of what I brought with me to Italy and what Civita taught me. 

These are not about being beautiful ‘ta-da’ drawings, 
but thoughtful discoveries; those I hope to share in a drawing book of sorts, centered around Civita. 
These ‘working drawings’ will generate more works of ‘ta-da’ soon.

I read in Robert Genn’s post this morning:
"In order to be happy," said Winston Churchill
"you need to find a task that requires perfection, is impossible to achieve, 
and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it."

I am there; and the study of drawing goes on.

Working drawings.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

good news

You are what you draw.

"In my view, there is no question that the fluidity of connection between mind and hand
determines the quality of the architect you become. 
It shapes your thinking and, therefore, the kind of firm in which you practice, 
including the creative level of people with whom you choose to associate. 
Certainly, a high aptitude in hand drawing influences the character and innovative level of the work you produce."
James Wines, 2011

I could not have said it better.

Monday, October 21, 2013

new classes starting.

Dear Students:

Many have asked me about drawing/painting classes for the up coming Fall and I wanted to let you know: YES!

Here they are. 

I will be offering 4 different classes beginning mid-October. 
Private lessons also available.
Classes occur in my studio, conveniently located on Queen Anne Hill.
Please let me know of your interest, best timing for your schedule and I'll get you signed up.

Beginning Drawing and Intermediate Drawing
Drawing Instruction: beginning and intermediate, day and evening sessions available, flexible weeks .
Small group classes on a weekly basis, over 8 weeks, 2 hours per week
Fee: $400.00

Expressive Landscapes
6 week class: 2 ½  hours each session; day and evening sessions available, flexible weeks.  
Queen Anne Studio
Limit  6
Fee: $400.00
Whether you want to learn how to draw, rekindle your creative imagination, or broaden your drawing skills, this class will free your ‘inner artist’.  
Expressive Drawing/Design in Landscape will guide you through stimulating exercises, focusing on expressive drawing, a free form, abstract approach that anyone eager artist can master.
Concepts covered: Line, mark, shape, texture and tone.
Once we initially investigate these dynamic drawing concepts, we will apply these to landscape painting and drawing processes. 
You will never look at a landscape and drawing the same again!

Expressive Landscapes
6 week class: 2 ½  hours each session; day and evening sessions available, flexible weeks.  
Queen Anne Studio
Limit  6
Fee: $400.00
Whether you want to learn how to draw, rekindle your creative imagination, or broaden your drawing skills, this class will free your ‘inner artist’.  
Expressive Drawing/Design in Landscape will guide you through stimulating exercises, focusing on expressive drawing, a free form, abstract approach that anyone eager artist can master.
Concepts covered: Line, mark, shape, texture and tone.
Once we initially investigate these dynamic drawing concepts, we will apply these to landscape painting and drawing processes. 
You will never look at a landscape and drawing the same again!

Contact me.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

wait for me!

before and after

1st day

last day

depictive and evocative, perhaps.

See you in Seattle.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

that neighborhood.

good teachers

Why draw?

This American, me; sketching, sitting inconspicuously
 on that indispensable (REI) stool and away.

Most folk walk around me; especially the ‘gruppi’, snapping pics and keeping the pace of the tour guide,
seeing the next great landmark. OK. Enough about ‘turisti.’

The Italians!

 Not unlike good teachers, they approach me, not too close, quiet for awhile and 
they offer kind words and direction. 
Always, their appreciation is evident with huge smiles.  
Drawing has become novelty,  plein air work is not so common anymore.


Here is the deal: I feel the Italians truly appreciate that their City/neighborhood or street is 
being studied, felt and documented with a drawn hand.

My big reward: connection.  I have conversation; I understand so much more than I can speak.  
We speak of the history or the architect or the artist or the color it used to be; all of that and more.  

As I was sketching Pantheon, I had a nice Italian gentleman tell me to “Stop!” 
He said the drawing was complete. 
I looked at the drawing and so it was.

Always appreciated; a good teacher.

Get out there. Meet your neighbors. Experience your surroundings and your City.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013



17 days so far in Rome.
Each day I head out of the Rome ‘studio’, I am hit head-on with more and more beauty.
 I did set out from Seattle in mid-August with intention of being an artist and 
discovering what that means? Huge.

I feel, one aspect of me being ‘artist’ is to draw each and everyday 
and take your sketchbook with you all the time; absorb, perceive and practice.

I meet my subjects ‘head on’ and, at times, I tell myself 
as I am working through the view, 
‘I have met my match.’ (left brain thinking?) 
However, I keep going.  Going.
And going and….

I compare the works I do as a practiced musician, 
perhaps an an intermediate student; 
no, each day is a new start, so much more to learn and see. 

Turn the page of the sketchbook and start another and begin.