Inspiring Creativity: 9 Tips to Be More Creative
1: Get Out There: Creativity is fueled by experiences, sights, sounds and smells.
2: Create a Ritual: Maintain a certain pattern to the day, work with a fresh mind and spirit.
3) Put it to Bed: Jot down notes every night before bed.
4) Divide and Conquer :Have a box labeled for each different project.
5) A Place for Everything: Keep a different sketchbook for different topics and ideas.
6) Keep it Handy: Throw these sketchbooks all over the place.
7) Sharpen Your Focus: Heightening a sense of awareness by narrowing my focus on one thing.
8) Change it Up: Doing things differently helps.
9) Practice, Practice, Practice: Creativity is like a muscle that you need to flex regularly.
notes from etsy.com
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