Wednesday, November 20, 2013

watercolor ingredients

shopping list.

20% color
50% value
5% composition
25% wetness/edges

Monday, November 4, 2013

look out studenti!

drawing class tomorrow night, starting.
I have a few things to share...
look out studenti!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013


Working drawings.

14 days since I returned form Italy and it has certainly given me time to re-adjust and re-enter and re-spond.

Now, the task of scanning my drawings, 
categorizing and making sense, are my next steps.

I decided to scan this drawing first; a study in perspective and figure/ground. 
A beautiful and classic site in Civita; one of those you call one’s own until you see the postcards of the same view. 
Yes, it had been discovered by others.
But there are great lessons within this view.

My work in Civita was about ‘working drawings’. 
I see page after page, intent and intensity in each line and a
 discovery of what I brought with me to Italy and what Civita taught me. 

These are not about being beautiful ‘ta-da’ drawings, 
but thoughtful discoveries; those I hope to share in a drawing book of sorts, centered around Civita. 
These ‘working drawings’ will generate more works of ‘ta-da’ soon.

I read in Robert Genn’s post this morning:
"In order to be happy," said Winston Churchill
"you need to find a task that requires perfection, is impossible to achieve, 
and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it."

I am there; and the study of drawing goes on.

Working drawings.